Pasture Raised Eggs

We have a lot of requests for our pasture-raised eggs. What works best with us to get organized is to create a form to ensure we are serving all of our customers the best we can.

  1. Our current regular customers will have priority for eggs to be added to their weekly orders.

  2. We will have eggs available for occasional customers and will do our best to serve you and your needs. We will have eggs available for sale at the local Greenwood Farmers Market which is the 1st Saturday of every month from May-September from 8 AM to 2 PM at the Sebastian County Fairgrounds. All other pop-up events we will be at will be posted on our Facebook Farm Page.

  3. There is a link at the bottom of this page (Pasture Raised Sign Up Page) that will help us to field orders in the best manner possible!

The Basics!

  • Complete the form on the link at the bottom of the page.

  • You will be placed on a waiting list, if eggs is available the same day we will let you know when you ask.

  • Once the eggs is available, we will notify you it is ready for pickup.

  • If you plan to be a consistent weekly customer, we will assign a day for you to pickup eggs on a weekly basis. The key word is CONSISTENT!

  • We will have a refrigerator in our farm store where the eggs will be placed. Your eggs will be labeled with your first and/or last name.

  • Money can be placed in the jar on top the fridge. Please don’t steal our milk, eggs or any other items in our farm store. Please don’t steal our jar. We will know, 🎥 and we have AMAZING neighbors that love to help us! If you need help financially, ASK. We will help you above and beyond what you would steal from our jar. (Trust me)

  • If you prefer Venmo or CashApp, we will have QR Codes on the fridge that you can scan to pay.

  • We ask that you arrive between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm, or give us a heads up if you plan to arrive outside of these hours.

  • If you fail to pickup your eggs after 2 days, we will sell it to someone else. We get it, things happen. If something comes up, just communicate with us. We will have plenty of people interested in the eggs that we can have it sold quick! We can try again next time. The key is COMMUNICATE! We don’t handle being “ghosted” well.

Questions You Might Have….

  • Are you chickens organic?

    No. We do not feed our chickens organic feed. We currently feed them an 18% laying pellet made by MFA.

  • How much are your eggs?

    Currently we charge $4 a dozen, as long as prices of feed do not continue to increase?

  • What containers do you use?

    We currently use recycled egg cartons. We will accept as many recycled egg cartons as you have available. This helps us keep our costs low.

  • Do you deliver?

    We do not deliver. However, we will be available over the summer months at the local Farmer’s Market located within Greenwood city limits.

  • Do your eggs have the bloom on them?

    All eggs when laid have a bloom. This makes them shelf stable and do not have to be refrigerated. However, once the bloom is washed, the eggs should be placed in the refrigerator. With that being said, if you do not wish for your eggs to be washed, please notify us in advance. However, when it is muddy, the eggs can have a lot of mud on the outside of the eggs from the chickents.

  • What kind of chickens do you have?

    Hyline-Brown Chickens. They lay large brown eggs. Our personal flock is a mix of Easter eggers, Olive Eggers, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rock etc. Occasionally you may have a blue or dark green egg in your batch.

  • Are your chickens free range?

    At this time they are not free-ranged. Mainly because we need to make sure to protect our flock form predators. However, the chickens have access to fresh grass seasonally, are living in a movable chicken tractor, access to sunshine and the green grass.

  • Are the eggs washed?

    Yes, the eggs are washed and placed in an egg carton in the cooler. Once they are placed in the cooler, they should remain in the cooler.

  • Do you sell eggs for hatching or hatch chicks?

    The Hyline-Browns do not have a rooster with them. However, we have a personal flock and have about 4 different roosters that mix with our 40 personal free-range birds. We will sell eggs for hatching, which it is $10 a dozen for a barnyard mix. If you request for us to hatch, it can range from $2-5 per chick, depending if you want them sexed and the type of bird.